We believe in the transformative power of knowledge.

50 resources
Man Learning

It's ingrained in our ethos to nurture learning, growth, and discovery. That's why we're excited to offer our Free Resource Library—

A treasury of valuable content designed to enrich your educational journey.

Resource Library

Full Books

A comprehensive tutorial for teaching design.

Learn to tell stories to your team—and watch them gain understanding and empathy with your customers.

Read about the trials and tribulations of exiting a services company.

Lectures and Presentations

A guide on how to recruit participants for qualitative research.

Design Research

Discussion guide

How to write a discussion guide for research.

A method for taking contextual research, identifying core insights and scaffolds, and translating those into actionable design criteria.

An overview of different forms of research used by designers.

Design Research

Cultural Probes

How to gather data about private or personal activities.

How to leverage in-context research to build empathy and understanding.

Educational Materials

Working In Teams

How to collaborate effectively and head off failure.

How to build, use, and think about a portfolio (for junior/mid-level designers).

An end-to-end course visualization to help students track their progress.

Educational Materials

Strategies for Chaos

Strategies for helping students manage the chaos of unstructured work.

Educational Materials

Signs for the Studio Walls

Reminders to help students think of the design studio as a special place.

How to present interface design work to others so they can understand it.

How to design activities to support a creative workshop.

How to facilitate workshops and groups.


How To Present

A guide on how to present, focusing on content, style, and audience.

How to write a summary of a creative working session.

How to manage a challenging creative workshop.

How to run a creative session with breakout groups.

How to explore ideas through drawing.

How to sketch ideas so other people can understand and respond to them.

A guide on a formal process for delivering and receiving criticism in order to improve the quality of design iterations.

How to write problem statements.



A simple way to begin thinking through the details of a design.

How to draw storyboards.



How to sketch idea vignettes.

How to write ability-statements, in order to identify product capabilities.

A tutorial about how to create a framework for evaluating ideas and downselecting to a smaller set.

Product Management

Feature Briefs

A presentation on how to create a Feature Brief, and an example of Job Genie.

A presentation on the core parts of product management, and supporting Projects.

Product Management

Box On The Shelf

How to succinctly describe and present value.

Product Management

Product Roadmaps

How to structure the sequence of value delivery.

Product Management

Lateral Thinking

How to provoke innovations by looking at things differently.

Service Design

Service Slices

How to examine a service through various levels of detail.

How to visualize experiences, over time.

How to move from research themes to insights that guide innovation.

How to begin translating research data into meaningful insights.

A presentation on how to leverage lateral thinking in order to come up with lots and lots of ideas.

Usability Evaluation

Heuristic Evaluation

How to perform an evaluation of an interface guided by best practices.

Usability Evaluation

Cognitive Walkthrough

How to evaluate the usability of an interface for novice users.

Usability Evaluation

Think Aloud User Testing

How to identify usability problems quickly and efficiently.

Additional Course Materials

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